How it works

When you choose Lebern for Guaranteed Rental​

Lebern first makes you a rental offer.

Once you accept the offer, and subject to a satisfactory viewing and valid safety certificates, Lebern becomes the tenant.

We then find a suitable subtenant to sublet your property to.

We carry out regular inspections to ensure that the property is well-maintained.

We take care of maintenance issues, should you choose this option.

All of this while guaranteeing that your rent is paid on time each month

And by protecting you against rental voids, while charging no fees, you will usually receive greater net profit than if using a traditional letting agent.

Key Benefits of Guaranteed Rental

Fixed Guaranteed Rent

No Void Periods

No Maintenance Costs

No Eviction Costs

No Hidden Costs

No Late Payments


No Maintenance Calls

No Letting Agent Fees

No Problem Tenants

No Stress

Click Why Lebern? to see how you will be better off

Arrange a valuation for your property to get onto our guaranteed rent scheme.

Contact us on 020 8088 9014