guaranteed rent scheme

Guaranteed Rent | Do first-time buyers need to be more realistic about getting on the housing ladder?

Guaranteed Rent | Do first-time buyers need to be more realistic about getting on the housing ladder? If you have a property that you think meets our criteria, contact our teamwhere we will arrange a time to come and talk to you and inspect the property. You decide if you want the building rented for …

Guaranteed Rent | Do first-time buyers need to be more realistic about getting on the housing ladder? Read More »

Rental Guarantee Scheme | Retirement properties: how to secure the perfect home for your retirement

Gently tease out the reasons why their clients are selling (death, debt, divorce or downsizing) and the length of time the property has been on the market. If the vendors accept your offer, ask them to remove the property from the market, says Allsopp. Prospective buyers are a dime a dozen. Christopher Middleton shares the …

Rental Guarantee Scheme | Retirement properties: how to secure the perfect home for your retirement Read More »

Private Rent Houses | Families facing squeeze as rents rise fastest in the suburbs

Private Rent Houses | Families facing squeeze as rents rise fastest in the suburbs Most of our landlords use our guaranteed rental income scheme. We have our own list of tenants waiting to move into properties. But just in case there is a void period, should happen, and for some reason your property should be …

Private Rent Houses | Families facing squeeze as rents rise fastest in the suburbs Read More »