guaranteed rental income insurance
Admittedly, we cannot float ourselves to economic recovery on a wave of loft conversions and conservatories. In particular, the restoration of economic health depends upon strong growth of exports. But over that we have little control. So we have to concentrate on what we can influence with maximum benefit and minimum waste.
One of the prime objectives should be to increase housebuilding. In the 1930s, a wave of it made a major contribution to recovery. During the 1960s, we built 300,000 homes a year. Even in the 1980s, we built 180,000.
Last year, however, the figure was down to 114,000.
Unlike so many suggestions for boosting aggregate demand, more housebuilding is not some artificial stimulus that would leave us with an overhang of the unwanted.
It is quite clear that we have been under-building for years. The UK population has grown by more than three million over the past 10 years. And it is forecast to grow by another five million over the next ten.
Moreover, until recently, people have been getting steadily richer. So demand has risen sharply, causing the real price of housing to rise steeply – by a third over the past 10 years.
From a macro standpoint, it is pointless to deal with the consequent “unaffordability†of housing by trying to subsidise those who would otherwise be shut out. For without more land there cannot be more building. The result is that you will simply drive up the price of new houses.
Privileged access for particular groups of people to shield them from the full blast of market prices simply means that others, who do not fall into some easily identifiable group, will be excluded.
Some commentators have recently been saying that availability of land is not the problem. Housebuilders currently have three years’ supply of land with planning permission. In fact, this holding is not particularly large by historical standards. Anyway, this is three years’ supply at a rate of housebuilding that has been much too low for 20 years, at least.
There is, however, a problem about a mismatch between the price that builders have paid for their land and the price of the houses that they could build on it. Much of their land was bought when land prices were higher. Since late 2007, the price of building land has fallen by about 40pc-45pc. If they build on this land now and sell houses at the current market price, builders will make an inadequate profit, or even a loss. So their strategy is to sit on such “unprofitable†land until house prices pick up. This, rather than the idea that there is plenty of land available for housebuilding, is why land banks are currently on the high side.
It is no good berating the housebuilders, as so many on the Left do, for being “greedyâ€. They are just trying to make a reasonable profit in a competitive market, like most of us in the market economy. But the Government could usefully look at the accounting and tax treatment of such unused land.
Extra building raises the spectre of lower property prices, thereby enraging the army of owner-occupiers, and alarming the politicians who depend upon their votes. In fact, supply changes exert their influence only gradually, since the stock of houses is very large in relation to one year’s supply. Even a doubling in the rate of housebuilding would not cause a “crashâ€.
Of course, prices would end up lower than they otherwise would have, but that is to be welcomed as enabling more people to buy houses. Housing must be one of the few areas in the economy where higher prices are widely greeted as “a good thingâ€, even though, as elsewhere, they signal that supply has not met demand, which is usually regarded as regrettable.
The poor functioning of the residential property market is one of the most serious failings of the post-war British economy, with devastating consequences for millions of people. The root cause lies with the interventions of government. It is public policy which dictates the availability and usage of land, and public policy which governs the rate of immigration. But evidently the two sides of government do not talk to each other.
Meanwhile, it is politicians (of all parties) who have distorted the housing market through tax subsidies to owner-occupiers, and they who run scared whenever anything emerges that might dent their sacred capital gains.
It is high time that government set about trying to put matters right. With its recent measures, this administration has made a start. But there is more to be done. Indeed, a good deal of under-used brownfield land lies in the public sector. As in so much else, the correct response to government chiding of the private sector is “over to youâ€.
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