Assuming the average UK house price of just over £238,000, if your mother sold the property she would have at least £200,000 left over after paying off all her debts. In your opinion is it better to remortgage the house and pay off the loan and credit card or to sell… – Source
Two liberals mention the multiplier and one even refers to Keynes (Search for growth could see capital spending boost, 25 September). • Britain needs productive industries which can compete effectively in global markets; but there is something pathetic as well as unsavoury about the latest sally from Britain’s business lobby (CBI wants… – Source
By apparently targeting a wealth tax on the suburban rich, its chief electoral victims will be Liberal Democrats such as himself, in the prosperous London suburbs of Richmond, Kingston, Twickenham and Hornsey, where house prices have defied the recession. The virtue of a mansion tax for them must be that the… – Source