Guaranteed Rent | A leading UK housebuilder is enjoying a boost to sales in the Basildon area suggesting a strengthening of the local housing market.
Persimmon Homes Essex says its Church Park development in Basildon has now sold out, making it the fastest selling of its sites across the region, and more than half of the properties at its Elmbrook site have also sold.
Sales Director Norman Sharpe says the respective sales teams have been delighted by their success and the level of interest in the properties in the area. He comments: “We knew Church Park would be a popular site and it has turned out to be our best performing development. All 58 plots were completed within 15 months, and at a rate equivalent to almost twice the national average.
“The initial success of Church Park led to further investment in the area with the opening of Elmbrook on the site of the former Elmbrook School, which is also proving very popular.â€
Persimmon Homes Essex’ sales success has contributed to the group’s positive half year trading update announcement earlier this month which revealed a six per cent increase in legal completions compared to the previous year and sales 18 per cent higher than expected.
Norman continues: “Both sites are ideally situated for home owners to take advantage of the massive regeneration of the town which is easily accessible by a local bus service and Basildon’s close proximity to London making it ideal for commuters. Both Church Park and Elmbrook include dedicated open spaces for residents to enjoy and benefit from a range of incentives to make home ownership more accessible such as the New Buy scheme.
“NewBuy provides an enhanced boost for buyers as it removes the obstacle of large deposits, which has been a key factor in holding back the housing market in recent years. The scheme means a 95 per cent mortgage is possible for both first time buyers and those looking to move up the property ladder. Significantly, there is no national cap on the number of buyers that can benefit and it is accessible to purchasers of new homes up to the value of £500,000.â€
Elmbrook offers an exciting range of two, three and four bedroom houses with prices starting from £180,000.
Concluding, Norman states: “The sales team at our Basildon sites are second to none, demonstrating an excellent commitment to customer service and often going the extra mile to match the buyer to the right property and the right purchasing deal.
“We urge anyone interested in purchasing a new home in Basildon to visit the Elmbrook site as soon as possible to discuss their needs with one of our advisors. The sales office is open daily from 10am to 5pm at the site of the former Elmbrook School in Church Road, Basildon.
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