Rent Out MY house to the council

A scheme run by Lebern with London Boroughs to provide longer term temporary accommodation to clients.

Rent your Home with your local council

How it works

The Council rent properties from
landlords for 3-5 years to use as longer
term temporary accommodation.

The Council will pay directly into your bank
account and you will receive a guaranteed
income even if the property is empty.

What type of property is required?

The scheme makes use of all sizes
of accommodation.

What are my responsibilities as a landlord?

During the lease period if there are any
repairs to be carried out, Landlords /Agents
will be responsible for ensuring they are
repaired in a timely manner to ensure
continued rental payments.

What are the benefits

Guaranteed income

No commission or set up cost

Flexible lease terms from 3-5 years

Property returned at the end of the lease in the same condition

Ongoing tenancy management

free inspection

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Rent Your Property Privately

Rent Your Property Privately to the council now

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