Rental Guarantee – UK Social Housing Dilemma Demands Attention Now
Social housing has its place in the UK housing market. It just needs to be regulated with tighter reigns and a closer eye. This is the opinion of many who understand how big of a problem the UK housing market as a whole is currently dealing with. The facts of the problems of the housing market are irrefutable. Homes are in great demand, but only the right types of homes. Tight lending criteria has put a premium label on rental property, and now the unenviable condition of those who have homes, and those who are searching for a suitable place to rent, is firmly entrenched. In other words, the number of those actually owning homes in the UK is falling like the space shuttle re-entering earth’s atmosphere.

New housing policies regarding social housing are in great need. Some believe this is the only way to re-balance the entire market and continue from here in a positive direction. This will not only help mortgage and remortgage figures, but also add to the number who could be working.
A majority of those in the manufacturing sector, for example, are at some point faced with the decision to expand the output ability of their plant with more equipment. This decision is not a knee-jerk reaction kind of a decision. It is one which will undeniably affect the future of the company for years to come. After careful scrutiny of all types of data and figures, the decision to go ahead with an expansion usually takes place. The amount of work to fill the new machines with more output usually comes through the door.
Many within the housing industry believe the future of the market hinges on the correct decision regarding the social housing issue. They think it will do three things in a positive manner moving forward – provide builders a new blueprint, put more workers to work, and provide enough dwellings for those in need.
Source: by Charles Raith
Why sell when you can get a rental guarantee?